Valentine’s Day Bouquet


Show them your love with one of our Valentine’s Day Bouquets, featuring pink and white specialty blooms. Choose from three sizes—Little Love (petite), Loves Me (standard), and Endless Love (deluxe).

Enter Code: LOVE on the checkout page for Free Delivery on Valentine’s Day!

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Make their heart bloom with our stunning Valentine’s Day Bouquet, featuring specialty flowers in dreamy shades of pink and white. Available in three sizes—Little Love (petite), Loves Me (standard), and Endless Love (deluxe)—it’s the perfect way to express your affection.

Customize your gift with a box of Kakao Chocolates or add a vase.

As our Valentine’s Day treat, enjoy free delivery within the St. Louis area and a complimentary Kakao Chocolate Bark for the first ten orders.

Order your Valentine’s Day Bouquet today and let love bloom!

You will be able to add a note on the Check-out page. Please be sure to add in the Recipients full name, a message, and who it’s from. If you would prefer to pick up the arrangement at our studio, please select Local Pickup at checkout and you will receive an additional email with our studio address after checkout.

Enter Code: LOVE on the checkout page for Free Delivery on Valentine’s Day!

Note: Flowers may vary to ensure freshest blooms, color palette to remain the same.


Little Love (8 Stem), Loves Me (17 Stem), Endless Love (27 Stem)

Vase Add-On

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Kakao 5-Piece Caramel Gift Box Slider

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